Suite 7, 324 Marrickville Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
0402 304 317

Wow what a year it has been. I hope it hasn’t been a roller coaster ride for you as it has for me. I’ve had a few ups and downs this year, some tough lessons and some incredible spiritual growth.

I learn just as much from you as you do from me – it is through the sharing of our experiences and journey that we are able to lift each other and grow.

As we start to wind down for the year and spend time with friends, loved ones and work colleagues celebrating the festive season, some of us may reflect on the year that is almost over.

We may ask ourselves what did this year teach me, what were the lessons, the challenges, the hurdles?

What were my accomplishments, my wins, how many goals did I kick this year? What do I still need to learn and bring more of in my life, what do I need to let go of?

It is a great time of year to reflect and really step into the energy of everything you have experienced, good and not so good, and allow it to integrate and expand and transform you.

I would like to thank you for reaching out and finding me – whether you have had a kinesiology session, aromatherapy massage, reiki session, crystal bowl sound healing, business or home blessing with me – I am so grateful that our paths have crossed.

I am spending the next 3-4 weeks planning for my year ahead and am so excited with what is coming up, so I would love to share that with you, so you are the first to know what is coming up in 2020. Watch this space, as they say.

Highlights for next year in a glance:

  1. Sound Healing Meditations and Sound baths
  2. Crystal bowl Sound Healing therapy sessions
  3. Kinesiology
  4. Aromatherapy massages – Symphony of Cells
  5. Reiki healing sessions & Reiki attunements
  6. Business & Home blessings
  7. Women’s Circles
  8. Workshops on Acupressure points, Chakra clearing, Archetypes and more
  9. Gift certificates available for Christmas
  10. Packages & discounts

Sound Healing Meditations and Sound baths

Many of us feel like we are in a trance of work and business, trying to get our “to do” list done, showing up for our families, friends, partners and careers.

Allowing our hearts to feel heavier and heavier as the days go by in the busyness of it all.

How good would it feel to carve out 1-2hrs of your time each week to PAUSE. BREATHE & CONNECT

Letting go of your to do list and creating more space within your mind, body and soul?

In 2020, I am planning sound healing meditations and sound baths. I want to create an experience of deep relaxation and deep healing – so that you can be immersed in the healing energy of crystal singing bowls.

Holistic health is about looking at all aspects of our lives and making sure that we are focusing on the mind, body, spirit and soul – finding that intricate balance that fills our soul and gives our lives purpose.

Sound healing can help you by releasing and healing deeply held emotional wounds; changing energy patterns, healing the physical body and enabling you to connect more – The Higher your vibration, the closer you are to Divine Light’s vibrations.

Sound healing uses different aspects of sound to improve your emotional and physical well-being. How it works depends on the method of sound healing therapy being used.

You may be encouraged to participate by singing, moving, even using a musical instrument, or remain still and quiet to let the sounds take effect and ripple through you, depending on the method and theme we use on the day.

Come and join one of my sessions and Surrender into the expansive harmonic vibrations of Crystal Bowl Sound Healing.

I am looking at the following locations, I hope you can join me:
North Sydney
and more

I am also collaborating with beautiful souls to bring a unique, magical and mystical experience. We will be chanting and singing, offering reiki and other forms of healing – so watch this space for more information.

If you would like a sound healing meditation and sound bath closer to you, let me know and we can look at creating this magical experience close to you. Sharing the love.

2020 is going to be an incredible year – hope we can take this journey together. What a great way to start a new decade.

If you work in corporate and would like to have sound healing meditations as part of your wellness program, please contact me and I can send you a proposal – I would love to share this healing modality to as many people as I can – healing through sound.


What does good health mean to you?
Is it just the absence of disease?

How balanced is your life? Are you spending enough time on your emotional wellness, your physical wellness, your spiritual wellness?
Holistic health is about looking at all aspects of our lives and making sure that we are focusing on the mind, body, spirit and soul – finding that intricate balance that fills our soul and gives our lives purpose.

When this balance is disrupted, or some parts are not attended to or are ignored, we start to have health issues that affect our daily lives and can have a detrimental affect, if left untreated long term.

Kinesiology is a holistic technique where we identify any stress and imbalances within the body, on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Our aim is to reduce the stress and get you to balanced state of health – physically, emotionally and mentally.

A foundational principle of Kinesiology and Mind Body Medicine is that everything is connected. Our muscles, organs and glands are connected through our meridian system, which helps the practitioner communicate with you and interpret what is going on in your body, to connect the dots from a chemical, mental, physical and energetic perspective.

So, how can kinesiology help? Kinesiology can help with the following conditions and issues:

• Anxiety
• Depression
• Stress management
• Skin conditions such as eczema & psoriasis
• Headaches
• Releasing fears and phobias
• Enhancing learning abilities / helping with learning difficulties
• Eliminating emotional, physical and mental stress
• Overcoming past trauma
• Helps with muscle injury healing
• Insomnia and sleeping problems
• Inflammation
• Digestive disorders
• And so much more

Are you Interested in getting to a better level of health, both physically and mentally? Are you ready to release all the stresses, tension, energetic blocks and pain in the body?

Are you ready to live life with more energy, to sleep better, to manage your anxiety and emotional stress and to learn the tools to live a balanced life in harmony?

Are you Curious to learn more?

If you have any of these symptoms, kinesiology can help. You will experience energetic shifts, release toxic thoughts and behaviours and see transformations, physically, emotionally and mentally – book a session today or contact me for a complementary 15 minute chat.


Sound healing can touch the heart centre and assist you with your healing journey

Because our bodies are composed of a crystalline structure, using a Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl for healing and meditation allows us to respond quickly and favourably to the sound for healing and therapy.

Crystal Singing bowls were designed to induce a deep meditative state, reduce depression and sleep issues, ease blockages and tension, reduce stress, calming the mind body and spirit and create a clear and focused mind.

When played, crystal singing bowls make a vibration or sound called resonance which is the frequency at which an object naturally vibrates. Our bodies, organs, bones, chakras and nervous system all have their own natural resonance and vibrate at a different resonant frequency and hold their own form of consciousness.

When a body is healthy, every organ and cell is creating harmonious resonance with the entire body. But, if one part of the body isn’t working at its optimal frequency, it may mean the vibration is out of tune, which may lead to dis-ease.

When playing the crystal singing bowls, the sound resonance can break-up, dissolve, release and clear these blockages.
Healing with sound is deeply transforming. It is a powerful form of energetic healing, using many effective ways to integrate the amazing healing energy of crystal sound.

Working with crystal bowls during a sound healing session works on a deeper level of healing, allowing your body to align to its normal vibrational frequency.

The quartz crystal singing bowls are recognised as powerful tools to assist in the process of vibrational healing.
8 Benefits of sound healing:

  1. Relaxation, calms the mind
  2. Promotes stillness and wellbeing
  3. Reduces stress and anxiety
  4. Improved sleep / helps with insomnia
  5. Balances the immune system
  6. Lowers blood pressure
  7. Chakra balancing
  8. Lowers cholesterol

If you would like to experience a sound healing, I invite you to book a healing session and experience the crystalline frequency of light in your daily life; releasing and healing deeply held emotional wounds; changing energy pattern, healing the physical body and enabling you to connect more deeply with your soul.
Come and experience the sublime sounds of the crystal singing bowls and witness your transformation.


Do you have areas in your home or business that don’t feel comfortable? Are you sensitive to energy and feel that some areas are dense and heavy?
Quartz crystal singing bowls are powerful tools that can be used to transform dense, heavy, stagnant energies that can accumulate in areas that are high traffic, or where lots of people congregate and visit.

The crystal sound transforms the vibration in your home or workplace helping you to live in a higher, more refined vibration. When we can clear the environment around us with clean, flowing high vibrational energy, we can notice that our relationships are in harmony, that our business starts to prosper, people feel more comfortable entering our spaces and making decisions will be easier.

If you feel that you have unwanted dense vibrations, heaviness or stagnant energy in your home or workplace and you would like to transform the energy into Light and bring more balance and harmony in the areas that you live or work in, then having a business or house blessing and playing the quartz crystal singing bowls will dissipate and transform lower energies or vibrations within your physical body, your energetic field and the place you live and work.

Having a business or house blessing will give you the opportunity to determine what would make you happy, joyful, inspired and start to create your vision – we work together to determine what energy you want to live or work with.

Is it more calm energy that you want in your home?
Is it more success and prosperity in your business?

Do you want to cultivate a home that everyone is valued and respected and there is harmony at home?

If you are interested in learning more about a business or house blessing, contact me for an initial 15 minute complementary consultation to discuss your vision and let’s schedule a blessing for you and clear the energies in your home and/or business.


Essential oils have the potential to affect positive change to our mood and to our physical state of being. To change the way we feel about something, we have to change the vibratory rate of our body.

So having an aromatherapy massage isn’t just a relaxing massage. It can clear stresses within the body, we can work on clearing and unblocking your meridians and the essential oils work on a heart-centred level to look at your life journey from an emotional and spiritual perspective.

The fragrances of the essential oils are individually prepared for you and they have their own vibrational healing qualities and they also have an ability to heal on a deeper level, enabling your body to release, restore and relax.

What do you need today to help you unwind, be more present, connect and kiss away stress?

Aromas, emotions and memory are all closely linked and interwoven. We can use aromatic anchoring to change present time perceptions and create new options for positive behavioural changes.

Who has ever smelt an aroma and it has taken you back to your grandmother’s place and you remember how much you loved spending time with her in her kitchen? Smells can whisk us back into the past to long forgotten memories.

Research shows there is a strong relationship between memory, emotion, mood, thought and our sense of smell (olfaction). Our olfactory receptors are located in the nasal cavity and can play an incredible role in the healing process during an aromatherapy massage.

Essential oils have the potential to affect positive change to our mood and to our physical state of being. To change the way we feel about something, we have to change the vibratory rate of our body.

E-motion can be described simply as energy in motion. Our higher consciousness is drawn to sound, colour and fragrance for their vibrational healing qualities and their ability to heal on a deeper level.

So having an aromatherapy massage isn’t just a relaxing massage, it can clear stresses within the body, we can work on clearing and unblocking your meridians and the essential oils work on a heart-centred level to look at your life journey from an emotional and spiritual perspective.

Also available – gift certificates for Christmas. Buy one for someone you love and one for yourself 🎁🎁


I recently discovered this wonderful therapeutic technique called Symphony of Cells. It is a collection of 18 essential oil applications created by Boyd Truman to help support anyone with ongoing ailments or illness, integrating pure essential oils into my aromatherapy massages and wellness practice.

These techniques are meant to bring harmony within the body, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Each of the 18 applications work on a specific system in the body, from digestive, endocrine, immune, nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory and urinary.

Proactive health care improving your health from the inside out can bring about positive change to your health. Reducing stress, proper nutrition, exercise and rest are all key factors in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

I would like to offer you a 4 weeks to wellness program which is part of the Symphony of Cells training program. We will work on the following to reduce harmful toxic load and unwanted waste and help support your body’s natural cleaning process.

If you are experiences any of the following symptoms, having a Symphony of Cells massage may be beneficial and promote overall balance:

• Anxiety
• Body aches
• Headaches/Migraines
• Emotional trauma
• Depression
• Fear
• Anger
• Mental fatigue
• Stress
• Self doubt
• Insomnia
• Stress
• Fibromyalgia
• Adrenal fatigue
• And more

If you would like more information or would like to book a Symphony of Cells session or the 4 weeks to wellness program, please contact me for more details.

If you are also suffering from chronic pain, feel free to contact me and we can discuss how we can proceed with your treatment plan to relieve you from chronic pain.


Just for today, I will not be angry
Just for today, I will not worry
Just for today, I will be grateful;
Just for today, I will do my work honestly
Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing

Reiki is a Japanese technique based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and every living being. The founder of Reiki system of natural healing is Mikao Usui. The Usui system of Reiki is more than the use of Reiki energy. One must also have a commitment to improve oneself, using the guidelines for living a gracious life and virtues worthy of practice”

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words –
Rei – means “Universal Wisdom or the Higher Power”
Ki – which is the “life force energy”

Together, Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy”.
Reiki treats the whole person creating beneficial effects that promote healing, peace and wellbeing.

There are many wonderful benefits of Reiki. Reiki can help you cope with stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, infertility and other issues, promoting harmony and balance.

It accelerates the body’s self-healing ability as you start to return to your natural state of being.

Benefits of Reiki healing:

  • Adapts to needs of recipient
  • Helps meditative states
  • Promotes personal awareness
  • Enhances spiritual connection
  • Fosters natural self-healing
  • Relaxes and reduces stress
  • Balances energies in the body
  • Relieves pain and discomfort

Take care of yourself with Reiki to improve your personal and professional life.


Introduction to Acupressure Points 1 day workshop
Acupressure enables you to actively participate in your own healing, to improve your health and to open the spirit within.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the body is seen as having various channels or “ meridians” through which Qi circulates, providing wellness and vitality to all the body’s various muscles and organs.

Qi is the energy flow, cosmic energy or life force that regulates your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

When the uninterrupted flow of Qi is somehow obstructed and imbalanced, this causes pain and an imbalance to your wellbeing.
If you have ever visited a kinesiologist or acupuncturist, you may have noticed they rubbed some acupressure points (and they may have been painful).

Acupressure can help with the following conditions and stress related issues:

• Anxiety
• Depression
• Skin conditions such as eczema & psoriasis
• Headaches
• Releasing fears and phobias
• Enhancing learning abilities / helping with learning difficulties
• Eliminating emotional, physical and mental stress
• Overcoming past trauma
• Helps with muscle injury healing
• Insomnia and sleeping problems
• Inflammation
• Digestive disorders
• And so much more

If you have any of these symptoms, and are interested in learning more about acupressure points, I will be holding a one day Introduction to Acupressure workshop soon.


Our chakras are our energy centres where energy flows through, each representing a part of us that when balanced, brings out our best.

We will explore our 7 chakras and balance and clear our chakras through movement, sound and activities each week and our first week we will create our vision matrix of how we want our lives to look like.

• Base chakra – red
• Sacral chakra – orange
• Solar Plexus chakra – yellow
• Heart chakra – green
• Throat chakra – blue
• Third eye or brow chakra – indigo
• Crown Chakra – white
• Soul star or transpersonal chakra (approx. 15 cm above crown chakra)

Our chakras are part of an interrelated series of energy centres that form an entire system in our body. When one chakra is out of balance, due to the stresses of life, any negative experiences you have had, suppression of emotions, our diet lifestyle and our thoughts all impact the energy flow through our chakras.

Colour plays a major role in how we feel, our mood or state of mind, our feelings and emotions. Do you ever feel drawn to wearing a particular colour each day, or even eating particular coloured foods? Colour is one of the languages of the soul and can impact our wellbeing.

Our body is an outward expression of what is taking place within us, within our mind, soul and spirit. Come and discover easy to use tools to balance your chakras.


We all have Universal Energy flowing through us and around us. It is everywhere, in fact. The Reiki attunement allows us to open up to this energy and become more aware of it than we normally are.

There are many reasons why you may choose to become attuned to Reiki, whether it is to raise your energy level, strengthen your connection to universal spiritual energy, to manifest and expand on your spiritual vision and compassion and receive very intense healing, or to work on your family and loved ones and open up to the universal energy flowing through you.

Reiki can help harmonize your mental and emotional bodies, plus also align your spiritual essence within to re-connect you to your true “self” (or your soul). The attunement also clears your meridians (energy pathways) throughout your body to allow energy to flow freely.

Most people who have a Reiki attunement, even at the first level, can feel the energy flowing through their body, their hands, and sometimes their feet right away, sometimes even as the attunement is being done.

A Reiki attunement changes the energetic vibrational state of our being. Energy centres are cleared and aligned and new vibrations of energy are channelled through us. This of course affects the physical body. We cannot make a change in one part of us and not have it affect the other parts.

If we have a lot of old stuck energy inside of our bodies, then an attunement can be like a super charged energy healing session, and our bodies will show us the evidence of how powerful the energy shift actually was by responding and adjusting.

I encourage each of you to explore your healing gifts in various capacities. Use Reiki as a starting point, and feel comfortable enough to develop your own Spiritual Healing Practice.


Women have been gathering in circle for centuries, to weave together, raise children together and to create rituals, deepening their personal relationships and female bonds.

Women’s circle is a safe, protected and loving space where we gather to uplift each other, share stories, and a space where we can be authentic and our true expression of our essence.

Where we are allowed to express our emotions without judgement, so we can be completely raw and vulnerable in a loving, caring and supportive environment.

I feel it is time to empower women to rediscover your wisdom buried within you, to unleash your inner goddess and to support each other. A Circle of gratitude, connection, of love and compassion for healing and soul expansion.

We will delve into the inner sanctuary and ask ourselves questions such as:

What brings out the best in you
When have you felt most powerful
When have you felt leats powerful
Tell us about a time when you overcame advsersity
What are you most proud of
What do you most regret

We will explore our inner most thoughts and hearts desires through sharing, activities, meditation, movement, self expression, art therapy and more.

When women meet in circle, we join together to hold everyone in sacred space, bringing forth an ancient way and an ancient wisdom of connecting, supporting and uplifting each other into our modern times. We gather to deepen our identities as an individual and as a group of women collectively gathering to heal.

If you want to find your tribe and have a feeling that you belong and are accepted just as you are with no judgements, come and join one of our womens circles.

I will keep you posted with location and dates as I am still negotiating space and room hire.

If you would like a men’s circle close to you, get in touch.


Sound Healing workshops – Understanding and healing our Archetypes.
Archtypes are ancient patterns that have existed in human consciousness.

They are your energy guides to your highest potential
Jungian psychology identified 12 universal mythical characters or archetypes that reside within the collective unconsciousness of people, representing our fundamental experiences as we evolve.

The 12 Jungian Archtypes are:

• Ruler
• Rebel
• Hero
• Alchemist
• Lover
• Jester
• Every person
• Innocent
• Sage
• Explorer
• Care giver
• Creator

In “Sacred Contracts” by Caroline Myss, the 4 archetypes we all have are the Victim, Saboteur, Child and Prostitute.

Some of Caroline Myss’s archetypes we will work with are:

• Dreamer
• Healer
• Crone
• Magician
• Addict
• Martyr
• Networker
• And more

We will look at the personal characteristics for each archetype to identify your major 12 personal archetypes and different aspects of your personality, then look at how long the archetypal patterns have been part of your life, what role the archetype plays in your life and in your relationships. We will discuss what myths, fairy tales and spiritual stories that are associated with each archetype and the significance they play in our lives as well.

When we can identify with an archetype, we can look at the lessons we have learned about our shadow aspects of ourselves and once we know what has caused us to block or avoid change, we can look at ways to allow our archetypes for guidance and healing.

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts” ~ Shakespeare
Image by Conor Neill

*** Other sound healing women’s circles throughout the year will be working with essential oils and chakras, chakra healing, sound healing with movement and yoga and so much more. Looking forward to seeing you throughout the year.

Packages & Discounts

Kinesiology Packages:

3 sessions $390 (Saving of $60)
5 sessions $650 (Saving of $100)

Aromatherapy massage packages:

3 sessions $270 (Saving of $30)
5 sessions $450 (Saving of $50)

Reiki packages:

3 sessions $270 (Saving of $30)
5 sessions $450 (Saving of $50)

Sound Healing & Aromatherapy massage gift vouchers available:

Sound Healing & Aromatherapy Massage Gift certificates for Christmas.
Are you looking to buy a special gift for someone special for Christmas?
Purchase one for yourself as well.

Now available at Genesis of Health – gift certificates for a Crystal Bowl Sound Healing session and Aromatherapy Massage (you can either use them together, or separately)

A special gift for the soul.

Limited gift certificates available, contact me for more details.

NOTE: If you no longer wish to receive my newsletters, simply reply with unsubscribe and I will remove you from my list. Thank you for your patronage and support to date.